Thursday 29 June 2017

My maths D.L.O.

W.A.L.T...I am learning to solve division problems by changing them to simpler problems that have the same answer.
I liked making slideshow and learning a new strategy.

Friday 23 June 2017


W.A.L.T. create a cross on turtle academy using prior knowledge of coding

Thursday 22 June 2017

one bad mistake

W.A.L.T. ...Generate an attribute chart to develop and sort ideas and details for descriptive writing

Screen Shot 2017-06-07 at 8.55.13 AM.pngAs the wind like ice blew over the man's head, big firey creatures scuttled across the hard ground. As a shadow brushed over him he jolted back into the cold hard wall.As he drifts off to sleep the howl of a wolf sent chills up his spine. As the sound of wolves grew louder and louder the man sank more and more into depression and loneliness.

As the night turns into day the man awoke from his deep slumber, big creatures banged against the outside of the cabin. As the banging stopped the man bled more and more, and the man grew weaker and weaker. As the man began to slump across the floor he fell asleep. As the man slept, big fiery creatures banged on the outside of the cabin and he awoke once again. As the man’s thoughts faded in and out he collapsed and fell into a slumber that he will not awaken from.