Friday 24 November 2017

my story

-Short sentences
-Interesting vocabulary

get it James Bond

Once I loved to go outside and then I sighed because I had to leave my friends behind. Next year i'll have to make new friends so that I can spend time with them at school. On my days off I spend circling of the people i'm going lend some of my time to. I was told that this had to rhyme but i just don't have the time, so for my writing in going to write a story about fighting. There once was a man called James, and he once framed a man named Bond, they were good friends then that friendship, was destroyed by James framing Bond for stealing, 10,00,000  gold bars. That night James and Bond had a fight. There fight went on for hours and hours all the. Booms. Bangs. And the pidpoings. As the fight went on and on. By the end of all the booms,bangs and pidpoings. They had sorted out their differences and died from heat sorsgien.

year 7-8 maths